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March 2023 Quiet Time

Mar 15, 2023

March 2023 - Quiet Time



We will continue with this month's Quiet Time to learn from a life's changing testimony

 of faith, an encounter with God, of someone whose extraordinary faith qualifies 

 him to be used by God in amazing ways in our times. 

 We will understand that God's plans, calls and divine assignments for our lives,

 and all people of faith are not always what we think. 


 God can sometimes permit things to happen in our lives we do not understand at first.

 We may find ourselves in certain situations, and associations, e has prepared, to keep

 us safe, saved, pure, humbled and obedient to His will, calling and assignment for our


 At other times we may find ourselves temporally, or even permanently separated from 

 some people, relationships and things in life we cherished that can hinder our

 divine assignments and purpose for living in this world. Because we have to choose between

 those relationships and things we valued, and following and serving Him.

 The human soul will never find its rest, until it rests in God his or her Creator.

 The Good News is that, He is always near so that He can meet with any searching soul, to 

 reveal Himself to, and fill that hungry soul and life with His Holy Presence, Heavenly 

 Sunshine, Joy, Mercy, Comfort, Grace, Love, Peace, Healing and Holiness! An Amazing Reunion 

 of all happens, the moment the longing human soul is reunited with his or her Father, 

 after a painful period of lonely separation and isolation from Him.


  ( EZEKIEL 11, 17-20 ),2 PETER, 3: 1-15; ( 1 Thes 4; 15-18 KJV).( Matthew 25 : 1-46 ).

  ( HEBREWS 11; 12; 13 ); JOHN 3:160; ROMANS 10: 9-11).


 Unfortunately, this Free gift of Salvation and Redemption is not available after death.

 No one can experience Forgiveness and Repentance for sins committed against God during earth's 

 life, in the grave when that life is over. 

  ( EZEKIEL 11; EZEKIEL 18:4, 20, 32; EZEKIEL 18: 1-32).

 Please join us as we learn from the life of a devout man of God, in recent times.

 Many would have known him from his inspirational life's transforming writings.


  This testimony is taken from THE WORD FOR TODAY - THURSDAY   MAY 1 2014     



 'HE WAS a militant non-believer, who summed up his world view with

 a verse from Lucretius: 'Had God designed the world, it would not be

 so frail and faulty as we see.' So Jack turned his attention to 

 academia, excelling in each field he studied. Soon the dons of Oxford

 took him in as a respected peer and he began to write and teach.

 Yet far beneath the surface, his doubts were taking their toll.

 He described his mental state with words like 'misery and hopelessness.'

 He said, 'I maintained God did not exist. I was also angry with God 

 for not existing.'

 Then two friends, also Oxford dons, J R R Tolkien and H V D Dyson, both

 devout followers of Christ, urged him to do something he'd surprisingly

 never done, read the Bible. So he did. Jack began to wrestle with the 

 claims Christ made, concluding that He was either deluded, deceptive, or

 the very One he claimed to be, the Son of God.

 On the evening of September 19, 1931, Jack and his two friends took a long

 walk through the Oxford Campus. They talked late into the night. And 

 Jack, C S 'Jack' Lewis, would later recall a rush of wind that caused the

 first leaf to fall-a sudden breeze, which possibly came to symbolise for him

 the Holy Spirit. Soon after that night, Lewis became a believer.

 The change revolutionised his world and consequently the worlds of millions

 of readers. Could it be this simple? Could the Chasm between doubt and faith

 be spanned with Scripture and Christian fellowship? Why don't you come to 

 Christ and find out for yourself?

  Bible in a Year:   Dan. 1.2; Matt. 12: 1-14; Ps. 107. 23-32; Pr. 3; 25-26.

By PH943906 06 Aug, 2024
16 Jul, 2024
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