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June 2023 Quiet Time

May 30, 2023

June 2023 - Quiet Time


           God's Covenant with Noah


    We will continue to learn from the First Book of Moses - GENESIS, about humanity's jorneys 

    after God created everything in the universe, the fowls of the air, fish, the sea, and the

    creatures in it, in five days. On the sixth day, God created all the land creatures on the

    earth, and He created man in His image, after His likeness; to have dominion over the

    creatures in the earth, and of the earth, and to have fellowship and a holy

    relationsip with God. 

    Last month we read in GENESIS Chapter 3, about the fall of man, after he disobeyed God's 

    simple commandment. We learned of the Seed of the woman, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whom 

    God sent to the world, to die, as a Ransome for humanity's sins and death, so that anyone who 

    repents of their sins, who beleives in Him, should not die, but have everlasting life

    (John 3:14-17).


    Man's sins and his death penalty was inherited by Cain, their first son, and everyone else

    after man's Fall. 

    Cain was angry with his brother Abel, a keeper of sheep, after God accepted his sacrifice of 

    the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof, to offer sacrifice to the LORD, and 

    rejected Cains offering, as he, a tiller of the ground, was the first to bring of his fruit

    of the ground an offering to the LORD. The LORD saw his heart, and sin in it, as his changed

    countenance. The Lord reprimanded him, and spoke to Cain, warning him that sin was waiting at 

    his door for him to comit a sinful act. He advised Cain to change his mind, not to listen to

    sin. But Cain ignored God and His warnings, and listened to, and obeyed the voice of sin. 

    (GENESIS 4:1-7 KJV). The Holy Bible says, 


         "And Cain talked with with his brother: and it came to pass, when 

         they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother,

         and slew him.

         And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said,

         I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

         And he said, What has thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood

         crieth unto me from the ground.

         And now art thou cursed from the earth, which has opened her mouth

         to recieve thy brother's blood from thy hand.

         When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto

         thee her strentgh; a fugitive and a vagabond shall thou be in the


         And Cain said unto the LORD, My punisment is greater than I can 


         Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth;

         and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a

         vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone

         that findeth me shall slay me.

         And the LORD said unto him, Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain,

         vengence shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark

         upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

         And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the

         land of Nod, on the east of Eden".

         (GENESIS 4 : 8-16 KJV).


    Have you ever wondered how God looks at your life? We can ask the Holy Spirit of God 

    to search us, touch us and perform all life saving changes to our hearts, souls, spirits,

    and lives, so that we are never hidden and removed from God's face and His Holy presence

    due to sin: To Light up all corners of our lives today; Remove all excuses, and obstacles; 

    To remove our stony hearts, and replace it with His heart of flesh (pure, holy, perfect),

    without sins, hinderances, disobedience, that block His access to our lives; To come in 

    and dwell within our spirits, and take control of us, and bless our hearts and lives today; 

    To Light up our hearts and lives with His holy presence today and forever Amen!


    The way God sees us matters to Him and to us now, as it is a matter of life or death.

    When we tell Him to please examine our hearts and lives, He will come into our hearts

    and help us to surrender our wills and lives to Him. No one else can help us with this. 

    So with the conviction of the Holy Spirit of God, we can tell Christ we are sorry for 

    all the sins we have committed, to forgive us, and come into our lives, and change our 

    hearts and make us different; To recreate our spirits, give us His Holy Spirit. So we 

    can become His Children (God is a Spirit), that is, to make us like Him, in His Spirit 

    Image, after His own Likeness, so with our newly born again spirit like His own, we 

    become True Children of God (New Creatures in the Spirit), holy, pure and perfect, no 

    sin and no death; as Adam was at his creation, before he sinned against God and Fell. 

    So all redeemed people have regained 'Restored Eden', through Christ's Atonement at 

    Calvary's cross.

    It is Christ's Blood that washes us clean, and removes sins and all sins stains from 

    our hearts and lives. It is His holy Blood that makes all redeemed people everywhere,

    whole, purified, holy, perfect; As Jesus Christ has covered us with His own life's blood,

    Righteousness, making us as white as snow, fit to be seen by God His Father, and our

    Father also, as He has made us fit to become God's Adopted Children, with His Spirit

    of Adoption, we cry Abba Father. Heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. God's Holy 

    Spirit lives in us and confirms we are children of God, and of our heavenly heritage 

    and Identity as God's Children, a very special priviledge from God we do not deserve.

    Christ's death and resurrection have made us to be worthy members of God's Family. 

    And so at the Rapture of His Church, when Jesus Christ His only begotten Son returns, 

    He will be reunited with all His Holy, Pure Church. We are a People He has bought with 

    His preecious Blood, and covered with His own Rigteousness, without wrinkles, stains, 

    blemises, without defilements.

             As the Holy Bible says in Romans 8 : 14-17 KJV,

         "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

         For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye

         have received the Spirit of adoption, wereby we cry, Abba, Father.

         The Spirit itself beareth witness with or spirit, that we are the children

         of God.

         And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ;

         if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."




    Christ will come into our hearts when we ask Him to do so. And with His Spirit's help, 

    guidance and reproofs as we need it, He will Prepare us to Meet Him when He comes for His 

    Holy and Pure Church. So we can meet Him, our God, face to face on the dreadful and terrible

    Day of Judgement, with faith and joy, fit to inherit His Everlasting Life (JOHN 3:16 );

    ( MATTHEW 25). 


    On that Day, those who rejected Him on Earth, will stand alone before Jesus Christ, but this

    time, not as their loving Saviour and Lord, God of Grace, Mercy and Love. For on the Day of

    Judgement, Jesus Christ will become a God of Wrath and The Judge of all the Earth.

    No one who rejects Him now, here on Earth, will stand with someone else to support them, and

    to defend their actions while on Earth, but will individually settle their accounts alone with 

    Jesus Christ on that fateful day, when Christ shall Sit On The Judgement Seat of God, to Judge

    all peoples on the Earth (MATTHEW 24; 25). 

    Because like Cain, God has given everyone who ever lives on this Earth, freedom to choose to obey

    Him and live forever, or reject Him and obey sin and die forever.

    Christ will judge anyone who Chosed to reject Him, who ignored His Voice and the many chances, He

    gave to them to repent,(meaning to come to Him for the saving of their souls, to turn away from 

    living a life of sin and death), while they still had TIME on Earth. It is Not Too Late to invite

    Christ into ones life now! For while there is still life ere on Earth,


    This is the TIME to ask Christ for and to receive God's GRACE! This is the TIME to ask Christ for and

    to recieve God's MERCY! This is the TIME to ask Christ for and to recieve God's LOVE!

    This is God's Time for Salvation, Justification, and Sanctification! A TIME to receive God's Pardon! 

    This is the TIME to turn to Christ (Everlasting Life)! And reject Sin and his eternal death of man's

    soul. After this TIME, there will be no more TIME to Repent and to be Forgiven! There is no repentance

    in the grave, once earth's life is ended!

    For on that dradful Day of Lost Humanity's TRIAL, God will withdraw His GRACE, MERCY AND LOVE from

    all LOST People! God will be a God of Wrath!

    The Holy Bible says,


         "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the

         books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book

         of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were

         written in the books; according to their works."

                               (REVELATIONS 20:12 KJV).


    Jesus tells us,

         " That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account

         thereof in the day of judgement.      (MATTHEW 12:36 KJV).


    If we are honest, we will admit that we ourselves have disobeyed God in our thoughts pattern, and 

    deeds carried out in secret. The Holy Bible says,


         " God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ".

                                (ROMANS 2:16 KJV).


    The good news is that there is hope for anyone who comes to Christ with their sin load.

    As Apostle Peter said,


         "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out,

          when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

                                  ( Acts 3 : 19 kjv).


          "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

                      (JOHN 8:36 KJV);   (PSALM 51 KJV).(JOHN 1:9 KJV).


    Today, God's Holy Spirit, is still pleading with people not to comit sin. It is a Still Small 

    voice, like a whisper inside our hearts. Some call His voice, The Voice of Conscience. He still 

    prompts people not to do wrong to themselves, and to other people, to forgive those who wrong us

    just as He has forgiven us, and not to disobey God, from when that sin is sowed within the mind

    like a seed, to when it grows, to performing it as it ripens. 

    This is the right time to ask God to protect our hearts from Sin's Seed, and to uproot him if he

    already cultivated himself in that hearts and lives.

    Sin is a spirit. He may inhabits peoples hearts and lives, and live there, manifesting himself as

    wrong thoughts, bad habits, bad decisions, bad choices, bad actions, bad words. He is deadly, and 

    will eventally destroy that person's life, if he is allowed, permitted to stay, take roots and grow.

    This is why people need God's Power in their lives always, to destroy the destructive power of Sin 

    from their lives! God and Sin cannot cohabit in anyone's life! It is either God or Sin inside a 

    person's heart and life!



    Sometimes, God may become distant from his children, not because they live in sin, although

    sin can be the cause, in which case, just run back into Christ's loving arms, confess the

    sin to Him and refrain from repeats of it, to prevent separation from Him, and falling away

    from Jesus Christ into sin and death. No one is immune. So we need to always live in His Spirit.

    Read the Holy Scriptures, pray, obey Christ, practice Christ's Teachings in God's Word, obey them.

    On the other hand, if we do live for Him, but cannot always feel God near us, this is because

    He wants us to maintain a close, child and Father relationship with Him, based on love, truth, trust

    and faith, evidence of Christian maturity, not just on feelings. But God is Amazing. He is there 

    listening, watching all our daily activities.

    God's holy presence is deeply felt when He comes to warn and prepare His children of iminent traumas,

    sufferings, pain, deaths from terminal illnesses, diseases, accidents, wars, droughts, famines,

    natural disasters; or losses of our lives or loved ones, before they experience these things.

    He has also promised them His Holy Presence Peace, Protection and Provisions in difficult times.

                     (Psalm Chapters 46; 91 KJV). (JOHN 17 :1-27 KJV).


    So in times of Sorrows, Hardships, Sufferings, and lonely Separations, there will never

    be a moment when God's children lose awareness of His Unseen Presence with them; Bearing

    them up, sustaining them through all their needs, and turning hardships, pain, loss, and 

    sufferings into rare opportunities, to tell others who would never have heard about the 

    name of Jesus Christ, of His Grace and of His Father's Love, and of the Comfort of the 

    Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity, perform different duties, yet, abide in each other as One 

    God, dwelling in us, and we in them, remaining with us in our grieving, mourning moments,

    and Healing us at His appointed time!


    This is God's chosen path for us to trek, and despite the cost, it can become the most 

    useful life experiences. He can use tough times to prepare us, make us ready, fit to be 

    tools in God's hands, to comfort others who will later come to walk with Christ beside them,

    through the valley of shadows of death. 

    The heart and mind will eventually move on with God's healing balm. Total healing may take 

    days, weeks, months, or even years, depending on the cause, duration of these trouble times.

    Nevertheless, as we corporate with Him, and His angels, assigned to advise and offer help 

    and minister to us, God does mend the broken in heart, minds and lives. He gently nurse us 

    back to full health and recovery, within His Wings. He turns our tears, groanings, weeping, 

    crying, into shouts of joy and peace and triumph, dreaded nights into bright summer days. 

    So we then start to live life again, to keep growing in Him, and to bless those around us.

             (PSALM 121; ISAIAH 40:28-31; PSALM 103; 1 COR. 4:7,17 KJV).


    We all go through 'spiritual wilderness' stages, even as devoted Christians. But it does not

    mean that God has abandoned His own. Not feeling Him close does not mean He is not there 

    with us. God wants His children to have faith in Him, to trust that He is always there with

    them, always cares for, and He will always be with them as He has promised.

    He knows why some prayers take longer to be answered than others, and will answer them in His

    own time. For anyone who has suffered lose or losses of loved ones, God is with us always, 

    to comfort and cheer, and will at the end of our own journey, as we hold on to Him, receive 

    us into glory. (PSALM 73:74; EXODUS 15; JOSHUA. 23: 1-11;


    PSALM 16; PSALM 23; LUKE 2:29,30 KJV).(EZEKIEL 18 KJV); (JOHN 3:16-17 KJV). 

    (GENESIS 4 :1-16 KJV); (JOSHUA 23:12-16 KJV). ( EZEKIEL 18:1-32 KJV)


    The other lesson is that, it is good to practice to give gifts to God, to show Him our gratitude

    for all His blessings. But the quality of the offerings we give to God matters to Him. The quality

    of our gifts to God, and our motives for giving to God are very important. For as we give God the 

    best of our lives, we gain His love and blessings. (MALACHI 3 :10-12 KJV). GENESIS 28:22

    Before we move on to learn from the next Chapters in GENESIS, please spend some time with us, as 

    we look at the first example of Loss, Grieve, and Change, from the first parents of humanity, Adam

    and his wife, Eve. When Cain slew his only brother Abel, it must have been a deeply traumatic 

    experience for both of them. As we experience loses, we can see how Adam and Eve felt during the 

    years they lost two grown up sons at the same time, as recorderd in these Holy Bible Verses,

        "And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called

         his name, Seth: For God, she said, hath appointed me another 

         seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew.

         And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called 

         his name E-nos: then began men to call upon the name of te LORD." 

                    (GENESIS 4 : 25-26 KJV).

   The following are encouraging words from God today for anyone who has experienced, or is

   going through, dealing with losses, grieve, difficulties, distress, pain and needs to make Changes, 

   adjustments to life to heal properly, completely. 

   This learning materials are taken from: THE WORD FOR TODAY - SPRING 2005. February, March, April.

   And from THE WORD FOR TODAY, Encouraging Words Everyday , A GIFT FROM UCB ON NATIONAL DAB RADIO,


       THE WORD FOR TODAY - SPRING 2005. February, March, April

               FRI FEB 18   -   Coping with loss (1)

    'JESUS WEPT.' JOHN 11:35

    "Emptiness, disbelieve, fatigue, confusion, depression and anger are all part of the

   grieving process. C.M.Parkes says, 'Grieve is the price we pay for love.'

   The only people who escape grieve are those who never really loved.

     In John, Chapter 11, when Jesus arrived on the scene, Lazarus was dead and Martha was

   upset because He didn't come sooner. She wanted to know, 'Why, Lord?' It's the question

   we all ask. And what was His response? The Bible says that sitting down among the mourners,

   'Jesus wept.' And when He did, He made it okay for us to grieve too!

     How do we mourn? Author, Melody Beattie, says, 'We do it awkwardly, imperfectly, with

   resistance, anger and attempt to negotiate. We flounder through kicking and screaming until

   we reach that peaceful state called acceptance.' Tears don't represent a lack of faith, they

   just mean we're human. The One who gave you love, understands sorrow and loss-that's why He

   gave you tears!

   Jesus said, 'I am the ressurection and the life...'(John 11:25) so when He spoke that day

   Lazarus had to respond to the '...Lord of...the dead and the living'(Romans 14:9 NIV). In 

   fact, if Jesus hadn't called Lazarus by name, it's likely that every corpes in the cemetery

   would have arisen when He spoke! Grieving heart, there's good news: 'The Lord ...will come

   down from heaven...[and] all the Christians [including your loved ones] who have died will

   rise...' (1Thessalonians 4:16 NTL). Until then, although we grieve we're not like'...others

   who have no hope' (1Thessalonians 4:13 NKJ). That's because we know how the story ends!


         Soul Food Reading: Is 37-39; Lk 10:17-37; Ps 28; Pr 5:3-6

          SAT FEB 19      Coping with loss (2)


   When you've lost someone you love there's no quick fix. The only way out, is through, One

   woman said, I'd no idea grieving involved so many "firsts," my first night alone, the

   first time I attended church alone, my first anniversary alone. And when I didn't think

   things could get worse, I find myself facing the holidays alone; I'd give anything to

   boycott them.' The Bible says, 'The Lord is close to the broken hearted...'He uses the

   support of loving friends and family, plus the passage of time, to help us heal. In the 

   meantime here are some things you can do:

     1) When possible, plan ahead. When grieving, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' way to

   handle events like birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. Some people decide to do something

   totally different instead of trying to maintain old traditions. Do what feels best to you.

     2) Let your church family help. Going it alone usually means going nowhere, so reach

   out to friends and fellow Christians. Ask them to pray with and for you. Remember, others

   don't know what you need unless you tell them.

     3) Tap into God's strentgh. Grieve can be draining. So ask God to protect you from

   being consumed by it, to strentghen you when you're feeling down. The Bible says, He gives

   strentgh to the weary...those who hope in the Lord renew their strentgh...'

   (Isaiah 40:29,31 NIV).

     4) Don't expect too much too soon. Maintain reasonable expectations about what you can

   handle. Treat yourself like you'd treat your best friend, by being kind and nurutring.

      Soul Food Reading: Is 40-41; Lk 10: 38-42; Ps 33: 1-12; Pr 5: 7-14


      THE WORD FOR TODAY - Encouraging Words Everyday, SUMMER 2010  May, June, July

       Growing Through Loss and Change (1)     Wednesday 16th June



  "Nothing develops our character like handling loss, and the change it brings. When we lose

  a marriage, a job, a child, a parent, our reputation, our health, our finances, etc, we are

  left with an option: roll with the punches or get knocked out; flex or flounder!

  What was is no more.

  Suddenly, in limbo, we're lost between the past we knew and the future we don't. Without

  a road map, in strange territory, it's easy to become overwhelmed. Faith tells us that

  God can ultimately transform every ending into a new beginning. But till then, riveted in

  our pain and confusion, what do we do between the old ending and the new beginning?

   That's where Israel was when Moses, their spiritual father, was taken from them. The loss

  left a whole nation anquished. 'So the sons of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab

  thirty days...'(Deaterenomy 34:8 NAS). Note: God's response to their grieving was not 'You

  shouldn't feel that way. Forget Moses; after all you've got Me. It's time to toughen up.

  You just need to have more faith!' When councel sounds 'religious' and seems out of touuch

  with reality, it doesn't come from God. He doesn't require us to be 'super spiritual,'deny

  our grieve and pretend we don't hurt. He gives us a time to weep...mourn...lose...'on our

  way back to feel and deal with the grief. Your tears are part of God's provision for getting

  you through this loss and on to your healing."

            BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 KINGS 24:25, LUKE 1 : 11-25, PS 73 :17-28, PR 13:20.

   DO YOU NEED    Call UCB prayerline on 0845 456 7729 (U.K)

   SOMEONE TO PRAY  For opening times visit ucb.co.uk/prayer

   WITH YOu?     or 1890 940 300 (ROI)



  Growing Through Loss and Change (2)       Thursday 17th June


  "When hit by major life loses like divorce, the death of a family member, a life-threatening

  illness or disability, we must work through them, not suppress them in an attempt to move on.

  Moving on prematurely carry the baggage of unreUsolved issues into future relationships and

  opportnities, inviting the past to repeat itself indefinitely. What is the process of working

  throughh a life altering loss? Understanding these two things will help you. 1) Grieve is the

  natural reaction to loss. Grieve 'buried' is unfinished business. In the guise of depression,

  anxiety, post-tramatic stress disorder, etc., it'll constantly ressurect itself in search of

  resolution, even if it takes years.' God's Word says, '[There is]...a time to mourn...'

  (Ecclesistes 3:4 NAS). That means, He's appointed a season with a definite beggining and ending

  in which He intends you to do the fruitful work of grappling with your painful feelings.

  How long does it take? As long as it requires-depending on how great the loss, how many additional

  loses it generates, and the spiritual, relational and emotional health of the mourner. If we

  mourn 'scripturally', there'll be 'a time to dance again.' If we allow ourselves the right to

  weep, there'll be 'a time to laugh' again (v.4). The process God designs ultimately produces

  healing and readiness to reengage with life and the future. You'll either complete your grief,

  or repeat your grief. You've completed it when you can remember the loss without being 

  immobilised by it."

       BIBLE IN A YEAR: HOSEA 1-5, LUKE 1 :26-38), PS 139:1-6, PR 13:21-23

  Growing Through Loss and Change (3)          Friday 18th June



  Grieve councellors have given us a healing process for working through our losses known as the

  'grief cycle.'It includes five stages: 1)Shock, sometimes called denial. Our initial reason is,

  'This can't be happening. I don't believe it.'We're numb, incredulous, in a kind of stupor.

  2)Anger. We cry, 'It's not fair! What did I do to deserve this? How could God let this happen?

  'I have been a Christian all my life.' 3) Bargaining. 'I'll do anything if you change this. Save

  my loved one, and I'll serve you for the rest of my life!' 4) Depression. 'There's nothing left

  worth living for. I wish I could fall asleep and never wake up again.' The intensity, duration of

  these stages vary from person to person. You may reexperience any stage until the work of that

  stage is completed. But when you finish your divinely appointed grieve work, you're ready to

  ...heal...laugh...dance...embrace...love...[find]peace...'(vv 3-8). You're ready for God's new

  beginning! Israel had wept over Moses for thirty heart-rending days till 'the days of mourning

  and weeping ended'(Deuteronomy 34:8). The mourning wasn't avoided or shortened. It was worked

  through and completed; then they were ready for the future God had planned for them.

  '"Moses My servant is dead..,"'you've grieved him in a healthy way. Now you're ready to join

  Joshua and"'...arise, go over this jordan...to the land which I am giving to [you]..."

  (Joshua 1:2 NKJV). When you complete your grief you continue your growth!"

      BIBLE IN A YEAR: 6-10, LUKE 1:39-58,PS 139: 7-12, PR 13:24



       Let us continue to learn from GENESIS, Chapters 9, 10 and 11.


                   GENESIS 9

                  God's covenant with Noah

   "AND God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and

   multiply, and replenish the earth.

   2. And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of

   the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the

   earth, and upon all the fihses of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

   3. Every living thing that moveth shall be meat for you; even as the green 

   herb have I given you all things.

   4. But flesh with the life thereof, shall ye not eat.

   5. And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every

   beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's

   brother will I require the life of man.

   6. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the 

   image of God made he man.

   7. And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the

   earth and multiply therein.

   8. And God spoke unto Noah, and to his sons with him, saying,

   9. And I , behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your seed

   after you;

   10. And with every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the 

   cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that go out of

   the ark, to every beast of the earth.

   11. And I will establish my covenant with you; neither shall all flesh be

   cut off any more by the waters of a flood; neither shall there any more be

   a flood to destroy the earth.

   12. And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me

   and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

   13. I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of the covenant

   between man and the earth.

   14. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the

   bow shall be seen in the cloud:

   15. And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you, and every

   living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to

   destroy all flesh.

   16. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may

   remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all

   flesh that is upon the earth.

   17. And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have

   established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

   18. And the sons of Noah, that went out of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and

   Ja-pheth: and Ham is the father of Cannan.

   19. These are the three sons of Noah: and of them were the whole earth


   20. And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:

   21. And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within 

   his tent.

   22. And Ham, the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father, and told

   his two brethren without.

   23. And Shem and Ja-pheth took a garment, and led it upon their shoulders,

   and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces

   were backward, and they saw not their father's nekedness.

   24. And Noah awoke from is wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto


   25. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto

   his brethren.

   26. And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his


   27. God shall enlarge Ja-pheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and

   Canaan shall be his servant.

   28. And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

   29. And all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.


     ( GENESIS 9 : 1-29 KJV).


                 GENESIS 10


    NOW these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Ja-pheth:

    and unto them were sons born after the flood.

    2. The sons of Ja-pheth; Go-mer and Ma-gog, and Ma-dai, and Ja-van, and

    Tu-bai, and Me-shech, and Ti-ras.

    3. And the sons of Go-mer, Ash-ke-naz, and Ri-phath, and To-gar-mah.

    4. And the sons of Ja-van, E-li-shah, and Tarshish, Kittim and Do-da-nim.

    5. By these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands; every

    one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.

    6. And the sons of Ham, Cush, and Miz-ra-im, and Phut, and Canaan.

    7. And the sons of Cush, Se-ba, and Hav-i-lah, and Sab-tah, and Ra-a-mah,

    She-ba, and De-dan.

    8. And Cush begat Nimrod: he bagan to be a mighty one in the earth.

    9. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: Wherefore it is said, Even as

    Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.

    10. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Er-ech, and Ac-cad,

    and Cai-neh, in the land of Shi-nar.

    11. Out of that land went forth Assh-ur, and builded Nin-e-veh, and the city

    Ra-ho-both, and Ca-lah.

    12. And Re-sen between Nin-e-veh and Ca-lah: the same is a great city.

    13. And Miz-ra-im begat Lu-dim, and An-a-min, and Le-ha-bim, and Naph-tu-him,

    14. And Path-ru-sim, and Cas-lu-him,( out of whom came Philistim,)and


    15. And Canaan begat Si-don his firstborn, and Heth,

    16. And the Jeb-u-site, and the Amorite, and the Ger-gas-ite,

    17. And the Hi-vite, and the Ar-kite, and the Si-nite,

    18. Ar-va-dite, and the Zem-a-rite, and the Ha-math-ite: and afterwards were

    the families of the Canaanites spread abroad.

    19. And the border of the Canaanites was from Si-don, as thou goest to Ge-rar,

    unto Ga-za; as thou goest unto Sodom, and Go-mor-rah, and Ad-mah, and Ze-bo-im,

    even unto La-sha.

    20. These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in

    their countries, and in their nations.

    21. Unto Shem also, the father of the children of E-ber, the brother of Ja-pheth

    the elder, even to him were children born.

    22. The children of Shem; E-lam, and Ass-ur, and Ar-phax-ad, and Lud, and Ar-am.

    23. And the children of Ar-am; Uz, and Hul, and Ge-ther, and Mash.

    24. And Ar-phax-ad begat Sa-lah; and Sa-lah begat E-ber.

    25. And unto E-ber were born two sons; the name of one was Pe-leg; for in his 

    days was the earth divided; and his brother's name was Jok-tan,

    26. And Jok-tan begat Al-mo-dad, and She-lev, and Ha-zar-ma-vet, and Je-rah,

    27. And Ha-dor-ram, and U-zal, and Dik-lah,

    28. And O-bal, and A-bim-a-el, and She-ba,

    29. And O-phir, and Hav-i-lah, and Jo-bab: all these were the sons of Jok-tan.

    30. And their dwelling was from Me-sha, as thou goest unto Se-phar a mount of

    the east.

    31. These are the sons of Shem, after their families, after their tongues, in

    their lands, after their nations.

    32. These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in

    their nations: and by these were the nations divided after the flood.


     ( GENESIS 10 : 1-32 KJV).



                  GENESIS 11


                 The tower of Babel

    AND the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.

    2. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain

    in the land of Shi-nar; and they dwelt there.

    3. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly.

    And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter.

    4. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach

    unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the whole


    5. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men


    6. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and

    these they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have

    imagined to do.

    7. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not 

    understand one another's speech.

    8. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth:

    and they left off to build the city.

    9. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the

    language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon

    the face of all the earth.

    10. These are the generations of Shem: Shem was as hundred years old, and begat

    Ar-phax-ad two years after the flood.

    11. And Shem lived after he begat Ar-pahax-ad five hundred years, and begat sons

    and daughters.

    12. And Ar-phax-ad lived five and thirty years , and begat Sa-lah:

    13. Ar-phax-ad lived after he begat Sa-lah, four hundred and three years, and begat

    sons and daughters.

    14. And Se-lah lived thirty years and begat E-ber:

    15. And Se-lah lived after he begat E-ber, four hundred and three years, and begat 

    sons and daghters.

    16. And Eber lived four and tirty years, and begat Pe-leg;

    17. And E-ber lived after he begat Pe-leg for hundred and thirty years, and begat

    sons and daughters.

    18. And Pe-leg lived thirty years and begat Re-u:

    19. And Pe-leg lived after he begat Re-u, two hundred and nine years, and begat 

    sons and daghters.

    20. And Re-u lived two and thirty years and begat Se-rug:

    21. And Re-u lived after he begat Se-rug two hundred and seven years, and begat 

    sons and daughters.

    22. And Se-rug lived thirty years and begat Nahor;

    23. And Se-rug lived after he begat Nahor two hundred years, and begat sons and


    24. And Nahor lived nine and twenty years and bagat Te-rah:

    25. And Nahor lived after he begat Te-rah an hndred and nineteen years, and begat

    sons and daughters.

    26. And Te-rah lived seventy years and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

    27. Now these are the generations of Te-rah: Te-rah begat Abram, Nahor and Ha-ran;

    and Haran begat Lot.

    28. And Haran died before his father Te-rah in the land of his nativity, in Ur

    of the Chal-dees.

    29. And Abram and Nahur took them wives: and the name of Abram's wife was Sar-a-i:

    and the name of Nahur's wife, Mil-cah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Mil-cah

    and the father of Is-cah.

    30. But Sar-a-i was barren; she had no child.

    31. And Te-rah took Abram his son, Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sar-a-i

    his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur

    of the Chal-dees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Ha-ran, and

    dwelt there.

    32. And the days of Te-rah was two hundred and five years: and Te-rah died in Ha-ran.

      ( GENESIS 11 : 1- 32 KJV).

By PH943906 06 Aug, 2024
16 Jul, 2024
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