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November 2023 Quiet Time

Oct 30, 2023

November 2023 - Quiet Time

   The First Book Of Moses - GENESIS




                  GENESIS CHAPTERS 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (KJV)


As we are approaching the end of 2023, we have been inspired to encourage all 

Quiet TIME readers, whether they are Born Again Believers in Christ, or 

People who are Searching for God, and for that life changing relationship with

God. Most of us are experiencing some of the most challenging times of our 


or from BEREAVEMENTS, AND OTHER FORMS OF LOSSES. Our Topic for this month's 

QUIET TIME comes to cheer and comfort us. As we look at God, Creator of Heaven

and Earth, let us focus on Him and His love for us to sustain us at all times,

whether good or bad, knowing He will never leave us, nor forsake us. It is always

darkest before the dawn. God works for our good in the NIGHT TIME of our lives,

such as we are going through now. He knows tomorrow. He will carry all of us in

His wings through any storms of life, just like the eagle carries her young to safety,

this year, next year, and all our life. God will take care of you today, and forever.

It does not matter what the future holds. All we can all do now is trust Him, wait for

Him to bring us and all our familis and loved ones safely through into His LIGHT!

We will share with our readers God's Message to us for this month, from WORD FOR

TODAY, an old publication from UCB.CO.UK. There will be Bible Verses quotes from GENESIS

this month, mainly about God's Creation work. God is with us at all times. You can hear

Him in the stillness of the midnight hour when crying yoursef to sleep, as hopelessness

threatens your joy and peace. That's when NIGHT FAITH rises within you. For you know it is

not tribulations and trials that holds you, but God is the One who holds and comforts you 

in your midnight darkness of life.


Please join us as we hope to continue with our QUIET TIME studies from the remaining 

chapters of the First Book of Moses - GENESIS, early next year, God willing.


                 FRI APR 22      Night faith (1)


       GENESIS 1:14-15 NIV

  Anytime God blesses you, get ready for the complainers who think He should have blessed

them instead (or at least as much!! When a dispute arose about which tribe should lead

the Isralites, God told Moses to have each tribal leader write his name on his walking

stick, and place it overnight in the tabernacle. Then God said, '...the man I have chosen

...buds will grow on his rod! Then...this...complaining...will stop' (Numbrs 17 : 5 TLB).

Imagine, an old stick with no root or sap, blossoming in the dark! Understand this, faith

can't grow without hardship. It must incubate in the darkness of adversity.


There's a stage at which you don't even know you've been chosen; only God knows. He told

Jeremiah 'Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you (Jeremiah 1 : 5 TM).

Before you were a bleep on a monitor, God had plans for you. You didn't die on the operating

table, or in that car accident because his hand was on you. And He didn't choose you because

 you're such a wondrful person! No, He chooses ...'what the world thinks is unimportant...

so...no one can boast...' (1 Corinthians 1:28-29 NCV).


When God created the heavens and the earth the Bible says,...'darkness covered the face of

the deep...' (Genesis 1:2 NRS). But as soon as God said, "Let there be lights"...And it was

so.' And today God can still bring light out of your darkness, and hope out of your despair.

He's not intimidated by the darkness, it is where He does some of His best work!"

          Soul Food Reading: 1 Cor. 11-12; Matt 3 : 18-19; Ps. 103:13-22; Pr. 10 14-15

            SAT APR 23      Night faith (2)


        GENESIS 1:19

"Notice: during the creation process God conunt days based on thee previou nights. He doesn't 

say, 'The morning and the evening were the first day.' No, the Bible says, God called...the

evening and the morning...day.' God specialises in bringing light out of darkness; you just 

have to get through one to get to the other! In the Old Testament, God told Moses that the Angel

of Death would strike during the night. But wherever God saw'...the blood upon the lintel...'

(Exodus 12:23 CEV), that household was saved. The Bible says in Exodus that God...'sent a...

wind that blew all night until there was dry land...and the Israelites walked through...'

Exodus 14:21-22 CEV). How wonderful, God worked in the darkness!

David said, '...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning' (Psalm 30:5).

The dawn is always more brilliant because of the preceding darkness, just as your progress is all

the more remarkable when painted against a backdrop of pain, challenge and breakthrough. 

Great mornings come from rough nights! Look at somebody who's having a great day and chances are,

you're seeing somebody who's been through a dark night. Whenever they finally shout their victory, 

it's because they've spent the night weeping before God.

Paul says, 'Let s hold fast...hope without wwavering...He who promised is faithfl' (Hebreews

10:32 NKJ). Trusting God is more than just wishful thinking; it's knowing that if He said it, He'll

do it; that He doesn't just control creation, He also control your circumstances, so 'hold fast1'"



                 Soul Food Reading: 1 Cor13:; Matt. 4:1-4

                 SAT APR 24   Night faith (3)


         SAMUEL 22:29

Since the world is continually revolving, it means whenever the sun's shining in one

hemisphere, it's dark in another. While one person's experiencing midnight, another's rejoicing

because daybreak has finally arrived. Same time, just different locations. So when you're 

having a night time experience, if you can just hold on a little longer, things will change.

That's a guarantee. The same way you rotated into darness, you'll rotate out of it again, God,

the night watchman, will'...turn your darkness to light' if only you'll keep trusting Him.

In Genesis, while Adam was sleeping God reached in, performed surgery and made Eve.

At midnight, while th other prisoners slept Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God in

their jail cell and He delivered them. When Peter was locked in the inner prison, at midnight

God sent an angel to liberate him. When Jesus was crucified the earth was plunged into darkness

But on Easter morning the light came on - forever.

Paul says, ' We walk by faith not by sight...' (2 Corinthians 5:7). You've got to expct

some night time experiences. The 'dark room' is where He develops you into the image of Christ.

Enduring just gives you the credentials to walk out into the daylight, having earned the right

to be there!

Night faith is tenacious, radical and relentless. When it's backed into a corner it stands

its ground and declares, 'I've lost my job, my mortgage is overdue, my symptoms don't look good,

but I believe God.' That's the kind of faith that gets results!"

Soul Food Reading: Matt 26:1-29; Ps 49; Ex 12:1-14; 1COR 11;20-34


'Is there a heart so bound by sorrows?

Is there a heart so bound by cares?


Come to the Cross, each burden bearing,

All your anxieties leave it there.

All your anxieties, all your cares,

Bring to the Mercy Seat,

Leave it there.


Never a burden He cannot bear,

Never a Friend like Jesus.'



By PH943906 06 Aug, 2024
16 Jul, 2024
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