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January 2024 Quiet Time

Dec 29, 2023

QUIET TIME - January 2024


Welcome back, and we hope that all our QUIET TIME readers did have a wonderful Christmas.

There will be blessings in abundance, and we will continue to experience uncommon help

from the One source, Who has promised to be our refuge and strength. We have come out

of some challenging times, which may still continue this year, but we will continue to

look up to God for our survival, and to suppy all sorts of needs that we and our loved

ones will come across, this year and in the future. Our supplies that we will need to

sustain all of our lives will never run dry, as our hopes remain in the LORD God; As

 Psalm 128 says, 

       "BLESSED is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways.

       For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shall thou be, and it

       shall be well with thee." (PSALMS 128.-2 KJV).

Please join us as we learn more about God's promises and mercies that are available for us,

as we go into unpredictable times ahead; from UCB.CO.UK, THE BEST OF THE WORD FOR TODAY,

VOLUME 5, by Bob Gass. There are two very important things in life that suffer exceedingly

in hard unpredictable times, as people change when unsure what to do and where to turn for

help, when crisis happens. Faith in God and our Love for each other are threatened. These

two Bible studies will help us to make wise choices we do not regret, now or in the future.


God is our refuge and strength.


PSALM 46.1

"We live in a troubled world, 9/11, natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina, wars, the sub-prime mortgage crisis and soaring gas prices have tapped the roots of our anxiety. Every night the media invades our homes, bringing it all to us in real time, exposing us to a new phenomenon called,'compassion fatigue'. Modern-day psychiatrists identify the helplessness, stress, vulnerability and depression we feel watching and wondering, What if we are next to be targeted by terrorists or slammed by fores of nature? Who will protect us?

To the fearful in heart, the Bible says three things: [1}" God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." The margin of the New American Standard Bible renders this last phrase, "Abundantly available for help in tight places."Isn't that great! When you are in a tight spot, God is abundantly available to help you. Notice, it doesn't say that God will help you occasionally or reluctantly. No, He will do it abundantly and faithfully. What more do you need ? [2} "Therefore we will not fear."[v2 NIV].

You needn't panic, talk defeat, or give in to despair. The songwriter said, 'He's as close as the mention of His name.' Just breate His name in prayer, and He'll be there for you. [3] Let the oceans roar...Let the mountains tremble." [v.3 NTL].

When everything you once thought to be stable and dependable, is threatened and shaken to the core - you will be where you have always been - in the strong and loving arms of God; the One who is 'abundantly available to help in tight places."



If I have a faith that can move mountains,

but have not love, I am nothing.


"We keep saying that relationships are more important to us than anything else, our actions don't show it. We constantly shortchange our friends and loved ones for the sake of money or 'getting ahead.' Relationships are like flowers, if you don't nurture and protect them, they die. That's what Paul writes: 'Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit...look not only to your own interest, but also to the interests of others." [Philipians 2.2-4 NIV]. Sometimes it takes heartache and crisis to remind us how irreplaceable the people in our lives are.

One author writes, "I have spent long hours in the Intensive Care waiting room watching anguished people, listening to urgent questions; 'Will my husband make it?' 'Will my child walk again?' How do you live without your companion of thirty years?'

The Intensive Care waiting room is different from any other place in the world. And the people who wait are different. They can't do enough for each other. No one is rude. The distinction of race and class melts away. The garbage man loves his wife as much as the university professor loves his, and everyone understands this. Each person pulls for everyone else. In the Intensive Care waiting room the world changes. Vanity and pretence vanish. The universe is focused on the doctor's next report. If only it will show improvements.

Everyone knows that loving someone else is what life is all about. Could we learn to love like that, if we realized that everyday of life, is like a day in the Intensive Care waiting room?"

By PH943906 06 Aug, 2024
16 Jul, 2024
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